Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society

Welcome to Norfolk’s oldest natural history organisation – dedicated to conserving the county’s wildlife since 1869.

Our latest publications are “Maurice Bird: The Gilbert White of The Broads”, by James Parry – May 2024, "Norfolk Bird & Mammal Report 2022", "Transactions 2023" and our Species Guides.

Cover photo: Eleonora’s falcon by Mick Saunt
Published October 2023 – 240 pages
Click to purchase


Cover photo: The psyllid Arytaina genistae by Vanna Bartlett
Transactions 2023 -Vol 56 pt1 Published June 2024[

Illustrated guides

Have you seen our latest illustrated guides to the Wildlife of Norfolk?

Most recently Psyllids, Harvestmen, Orchids, grasshoppers, Shieldbugs and mammals

Ideal for beginners or experienced naturalists seeking new areas to explore.

Click here to view the full library, available to read or download as pdf files.

Why not join us?

You don’t need to be an expert. We have plenty of members who are very willing to share their knowledge and expertise and help you learn more about the natural world.

Registered Charity 291604

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