Norfolk Amphibian & Reptile Group (NARG)

Norfolk’s frogs and toads need your help, so hop to it!

Norfolk Amphibian and Reptile Group (NARG)

Spring is in the air and the amphibians are beginning to breed – we need you to tell us where they are.

Norfolk Amphibian & Reptile Group (NARG)

Download and print a survey form or send an SAE to: NARG, Phil Parker, White Row Cottage, Leziate Drove, Pott Row, King’s Lynn PE32 1DB. Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

Photographer: Hans Watson
Common Frog (Rana temporaria) has smooth, shiny skin. Photo: Hans Watson
Photographer: Hans Watson
Common Toad (Bufo bufo) has drier, rougher skin. Photo: Hans Watson

The ponds and pools that amphibians rely on to breed are increasingly under threat from development and drainage of land, with an estimated loss of around a third of sites in the last 50 years. According to the results of the Countryside Survey 2007, published last month, 80% of the small water bodies that are still left in the UK are in poor condition.  All amphibians are under-recorded in Norfolk and the lack of data is a serious obstacle when it comes to assessing the health of their populations.

The Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists’ Society (NNNS) and the Norfolk Amphibian & Reptile Group (NARG) have teamed up to launch a survey of Common Frog and Common Toad in Norfolk.

To take part, all you need to do is download a form and record any sightings of frogs and toads you come across anywhere in the county, whether they’re in a lake, crossing a road or making use of your own garden pond. If you’re not sure how to tell the species apart, have a look at our on-line identification guides.

The Big Lottery FundOpen Air Laboratories network (OPAL)

This project has been funded by the Open Air Laboratories network (OPAL). The OPAL network is an exciting new initiative, aimed at encouraging people to get back in touch with nature by enabling them to explore and study their local environments which received a grant from The Big Lottery Fund in 2007. The Big Lottery Fund distributes half of the National Lottery good cause funding across the UK. The Fund is committed to bringing real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need.

Updated: March 2022