Subscribe by Standing Order
Use Online Banking or Telephone Banking with your own bank to set up a Standing Order with these details-
Account Name: Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society
Address: Barclays Bank plc, St Stephens Branch, 5/7 Red Lion Street, Norwich NR1 3QH
Account No: 60662860
Sort Code: 20-62-53
SWIFT or Business identifier (BIC) code: BUKBGB22
International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GB73 BUKB 2062 5360 6628 60
Alternatively do this in person at your own bank branch and then tell the Membership Secretary or Treasurer, as below. We will record your mailing address, email address and phone numbers and acknowledge receipt of your subscription, when it is paid into our account. If you do this, please tell us how we can recognise your payment – for example a reference number.
Write an email to
Membership Secretary <>
or letter to
James Froud
NNNS Membership Secretary
4 Kingsley Road, Norwich NR1 3RB
January 2024