Frequently asked questions

What should I do if I have paid my subscription at the old price? How can I change my subscription in response to a price increase? How can I tell if I've already renewed my subscription? Can I join NNNS without registering with PayPal ? What happens if my PayPal subscription is set to automatically renew after the normal renewal date of 1st April? What happens if I cancel my PayPal account? Can I join NNNS without using my PayPal account? What is Gift Membership?

What happens if I'm unsure if I've paid or maybe paid twice?

Can I renew my membership even if I am not already a member? What happens once I have paid a subscription online? Can I pay by Direct Debit?

Can I set up a Standing Order online?

What are the NNNS bank account details?

How to pay NNNS from outside the UK? (International SWIFT or BIC) Do you claim Gift Aid and is there a form to fill? Can I subscribe using Amazon Smile? How can I join using just a credit card but not PayPal?

Renew subscription here /  Join the NNNS here

See the Renewals page by clicking here

January 2022