NNNS Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
This document sets out the considerations and responsibilities of those representing the society with regards to Safeguarding, specifically preventing harm coming to young people and vulnerable adults. Whilst a Trustee is nominated to oversee this policy and to follow up on any safeguarding issues, it is the responsibility of all Trustees and anyone who is representing the Society to report any concerns that they witness or are informed about.
In this context “Safeguarding” refers to occasions where a young person or vulnerable adult has experienced harm or abuse, is at risk of harm or abuse or if you have concerns for his/her welfare. It also covers allegations of Trustees or volunteers acting improperly towards these vulnerable groups.
The Society’s events programme, both events held in recent years and those already planned for the coming year, have been reviewed and as a result it is clear that the Society does not currently engage directly with unsupervised groups of children or vulnerable adults. The Society’s events programme is open to young people provided that they are accompanied by a responsible adult, and any multi-organisation wildlife events that the Society attend are large scale public events. Where the Society is present as part of an event organised by another organisation, for example hosting a stall or running an activity at a fair, then it is expected that any rules or procedures required by the host organisation will be followed.
Should this position change and the Membership & Events Committee wish to start working directly with groups of young people or vulnerable adults then this policy will need to be reviewed and expanded to take into account any additional checks or training that should be provided to volunteers and the increased possibility of a Safeguarding-related incident taking place. These changes should be approved by Council prior to any such events being carried out.
It is good practice for charities to nominate a lead Trustee for Safeguarding, and to provide that individual with relevant training. Confirmation of the name of the individual is should be made annually at the first Council meeting following the AGM and recorded in the minutes. Any Safeguarding incidents will be recorded by that individual and reported to Council at the next meeting.
If you have any concerns of a safeguarding nature relating to something you have been told or witnessed whilst acting in as a representative of the Society then please call the Lead Trustee for Safeguarding as soon as possible.
The Lead Trustee for Safeguarding for 2024/25 has yet to be appointed since the previous Lead resigned
If you cannot contact the lead Trustee for Safeguarding then contact the Chair of the Society to ask for advice.
• If the person is in immediate danger, or the abuse has happened where they live, immediately call the local authority safeguarding team (0344 800 8021) or the police (999). Then contact the Lead Trustee for Safeguarding who can follow up the report to make sure that support has been given.
• If they’re not in immediate danger, contact the Lead Trustee for Safeguarding who will call the local authority safeguarding team within 24 hours and make a telephone referral.
• The Lead Trustee for Safeguarding will follow up the call with a written referral.
• Any further action will be guided by the advice of the safeguarding team or police.
These procedures were written in April 2021 and should be reviewed in April 2023 or earlier should there be material changes to legislation or the activity of the Society.