Trustees Annual Reports

The current Trustees Annual Report (“TAR”) is for 2023 and includes Reports from the Chair, the Chairs of Committees, the Treasurer’s Statement of Financial Activities for the calendar year ending 31ST December 2023, and the Independent Examiner’s declaration.

The reports listed below are in PDF format and open in new windows.

Annual Report 2023 – final upload March 2024

Annual Report 2022 – final upload March 2023
Annual Report 2021 – final upload September 2022
Annual Report 2020 – final upload June 2021
Annual Report 2019 – final upload July 2020
Annual Report 2018 – final upload September 2019
Annual Report 2017 – final upload September 2018
Annual Report 2016 – final upload April 2017

The Charity Commision lists our reports here – Registered Charity 291604

Registered Charity 291604

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