What happens next? The sequence of events or messages is –

  1. The first message is “Thank you!
    You will need to confirm the email we have sent to you before you are added to our subscriber list.”
    Otherwise you might already be in the list and be told so.
  2. Your inbox will have a message from membership@nnns.org.uk with subject “Confirmation email”
    Note that the word “subscribe” or “subscription” in these messages simply refers to adding your name to a mailing list and it does not need be an email address you have previously told us. Just click “Confirm your email”
  3. You'll be asked to confirm that you wish to subcribe...
  4. You’ll see confirmation of the process
  5. You will have been added to the mailing list and we will attempt to match you with an existing membership
  6.   If you’re not a member or we cannot identify your details, we will make contact using the email you supplied